![[John Connolly & Rob Ryan signing The Land Of Lost Things (Product Image)]](https://dyn.media.forbiddenplanet.com/swTzSPT--5cn8My8WIKgjeGLRDk=/fit-in/200x200/left/top/filters:format(jpg)fill(white)/https://media.forbiddenplanet.com/events/b1/a7/8c74379c54f0f51b9ce7f6b216053865811a.jpg)
John Connolly & Rob Ryan signing The Land Of Lost Things
- London Megastore
- Sunday 3 September 2023
- 16:00–17:00
We are happy to announce that author John Connolly & illustrator Rob Ryan will be joining us to sign copies of The Land Of Lost Things at Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Sunday 3rd September from 4:00pm - 5:00pm!