![[Cancelled - Jock Signing Batman: One Dark Knight (Product Image)]](https://dyn.media.forbiddenplanet.com/IgOFjvLDLG0HmI1o0rX2IL6TDms=/fit-in/200x200/left/top/filters:format(jpg)fill(white)/https://media.forbiddenplanet.com/events/b0/7a/df040977101943f59d7dac048b51845f641f.png)
Cancelled - Jock Signing Batman: One Dark Knight
- London Megastore
- Wednesday 22 December 2021
- 18:00–19:00
We regret that this event has had to be cancelled, however you may still order our exclusive signed variants below. One of the most iconic Batman artists of the 21st century, the incomparable Jock (The Batman Who Laughs, Batman: The Black Mirror), has focuse…