![[Free Comic Book Summer: Final Week (Product Image)]](https://dyn.media.forbiddenplanet.com/JTti2GF9UM6eDgVJpGpCI9ZWjGo=/fit-in/200x200/left/top/filters:format(jpg)fill(white)/https://media.forbiddenplanet.com/events/9c/24/719fd2b20eaa9ec9d817e27ecc89e1359699.png)
Free Comic Book Summer: Final Week
- London Megastore and 8 others…
- Wednesday 9 September 2020
- 11:00–18:00
We all missed the excitement of Free Comic Book Day this year - but now we can celebrate Free Comic Book Summer! For the final week, a number of FREE comics will be released every Wednesday. As a thank you to our customers for returning after…