![[The 2000AD Xmas Prog Event! (Product Image)]](https://dyn.media.forbiddenplanet.com/JQHIkOGp5aMTFKeXwYEqojmt67A=/fit-in/200x200/left/top/filters:format(jpg)fill(white)/https://media.forbiddenplanet.com/events/62/fd/a2e5dcbec8e79d661cde447449e4755fb6ba.jpg)
The 2000AD Xmas Prog Event!
- London Megastore
- Saturday 16 December 2017
- 16:00–17:00
Join a host of stars as we celebrate the 2000AD Xmas prog! On Saturday 16th December, from 4 – 5pm, we’re welcoming Christmas at Forbidden Planet – Mega-City One-style! Join cits Dave Kendall, Ian Edginton, Clint Langley, Frazer Irving, Kek-W and Rufus Dayg…