![[Edgar Wright signing 'Scott Pilgrim' on DVD & Blu-ray (Product Image)]](https://dyn.media.forbiddenplanet.com/eLKwdJJyaMtZAc5b8ydfwc587yk=/fit-in/200x200/left/top/filters:format(jpg)fill(white)/https://media.forbiddenplanet.com/events/8a/60/068c874c21568f159ae8f7bce1505e1e3440.jpg)
Edgar Wright signing 'Scott Pilgrim' on DVD & Blu-ray
- London Megastore
- Thursday 30 December 2010
- 17:30–18:30
Forbidden Planet are delighted to announce that director EDGAR WRIGHT will be signing the DVD & BluRay release of the smash-hit movie SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JR on Thursday 30th D…