Cyril Lieron & Benoit Dahan Signing Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes

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at our London Megastore


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We are happy to announce that Cyril Lieron & Benoit Dahan will be signing Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes at our Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Saturday 11th November from 4:00pm - 5:00pm!

Sherlock Holmes fans can sink their teeth into this brand new original tale, which uniquely portrays the inner workings of the greatest detective’s mind as he works to solve the case!

A visually stunning treat, every thought and clue that flows through Sherlock’s mind is thoroughly explored and displayed in the art for readers to latch onto. Put on your deerstalker and pull out your magnifying glass, there’s a mystery to be solved!

Set in the Victorian era, the discovery of a mysterious powder on some clothing and a very special show ticket leads Sherlock Holmes to believe a patient isn't the only victim of a grand conspiracy. Indeed, it seems the strange disappearance of Londoners can be explained by the performances of a Chinese magician. When other tickets are found, the detective's suspicions are confirmed…

Each purchase of the graphic novel at the event will come with a bespoke art card (pictured below) that will be signed by the authors!

Cyril Lieron, colourist since 1995, is the son of Philippe Luguy. He has notably worked on Percevan, L'Arcantane Noire, Le Maître des Étoiles, Barbe Rouge, Les Innommables at Dargaud, Red label Voodoo at Soleil, Cotton Kid at Vents d'Ouest, Le bras de Fer, La maison trap at Dupuis, Alan at Jos le Douaré. Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, published by Ankama, is his first comic as a screenwriter. He received the BDGEST Arts 2019 award for best cover.

Benoit Dahan, screenwriter, designer and colourist, lives in Paris. After studying Graphic Arts at ESAG, he embarked on illustration for the press (Le Monde, Liberation, Le Point, Science et vie junior) and children's books. Psycho-Investigateur is his first comic book series, which he produced with his friend Erwan Courbier. His love for Sherlock Holmes, shared with Cyril Liéron - another long-time friend - naturally spurred the fruit of their collaboration. Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes, published by Ankama Editions, received the BDGest Arts 2019 award for best cover.

NOTE: All signing events may be subject to short notice change or cancellation. Please keep checking our Events Page for up to date information.