Director & Cast Signing 'Elstree 1976'

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at our London Megastore


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Director Jon Spira will be signing DVD copies of his documenatary Elstree 1976 - accompanied by some of the cast members - at our London Megastore on 18th November at 6:00pm.

Behind the masks. Beneath the helmets. Big People. Small Roles.

In 1976, the original Star Wars movie was shot in suburban North London. Nobody involved had any idea how big the film would become, many couldn’t even remember the title. Yet, for the extras and actors in smaller roles, their faces hidden behind masks and beneath helmets, this seemingly insignificant job would go on to colour their lives even four decades later.

Documentary filmmaker Jon Spira has tracked down a cross-section of these actors and extras, including David Prowse (Darth Vader) and Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), to find out what it means to have been a part of the most beloved cinematic universe of all time.

Joining Jon Spira will be rebel pilot Red 12, John Chapman, and Anthony Forrest - the Jedi mind-tricked Sandtrooper. “These aren’t the droids we are looking for”