Class Signing with Guy Adams, James Goss & Patrick Ness

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at our London Megastore


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Join Patrick Ness, the creator and writer of the new smash BBC 3 series, Class - plus writers Guy Adams and James Goss - signing books based on the series at our London Megastore on 18th November at 6:00pm.

Currently running on BBC3, this new Doctor Who spin-off show is set at Coal Hill School, which has a special significance for Doctor Who fans: it’s not only the primary school where the Doctor’s most recent companion, Clara Oswald, taught but it featured in the very first Doctor Who episode in 1963.

Class centres on the adventures of an all-new group of students at Coal Hill, and features action, heart and adrenaline - plus dangers breaking through the walls of time and space, a darkness coming to a London unprotected, a new group of heroes to root for, and new villains to hide from behind the sofa.

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