Jorge Fornés signing Doctor Strange Prelude

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at our London Megastore


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JORGE FORNES will be signing DOCTOR STRANGE: PRELUDE at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Wednesday 26th October from 6 - 7pm.

The Doctor will see you now!

Ahead of the Master of the Mystic Arts’ major motion picture, meet the cinematic Stephen Strange - the man who will one day be Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme - in this prelude adventure!

Plus: magical stories from Doctor Strange’s comic-book history, from his sensational origin to his entry into the modern Marvel era!

The mysterious Ancient One may have much to teach the wounded surgeon Strange - unless the malevolent Mordo has his way!

The Doctor faces the nefarious Nightmare and takes an incredible journey back to the very dawn of time. But when Strange is shot, can the Night Nurse save his life?

Jorge Fornés is a comic artist from Vilanova i la Geltrú, a small town near Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). He began to draw comics doing short stories and some graphic novels for the Spanish market. He started to draw in USA with some pin-ups and short comics for independents publishers.

His debut in the mainstream was in DC, in Detective Comics Annual #3, then he started in Marvel on Thunderbolts and Wolverine & the X-Men and then on the return of the Juggernaut in Amazing X-Men.

His most recent works include Guardians of the Galaxy, a Dr. Strange short story, the Dr. Strange Movie Prelude and an exclusive variant cover for the final issue of the Star Trek IDW series.

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