Brett Ewins and Peter Milligan signing Johnny Nemo

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at our London Megastore


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Artist Brett Ewins and writer Peter Milligan signing Johnny Nemo at our London Megastore at 4:00pm on Saturday 6th December!


New London of 2921 is a crowded, filthy slime-pit awash with Death-Juice junkies, Latin-spouting armored fascists, exploding nuns and a religious cult who worship Bing Crosby's left testicle. It’s also home to ultra-violent, foul-mouthed private eye Johnny Nemo – a streetwise PI who deals in death… and simple solutions to complex problems!

PETER MILLIGAN was part of the “British wave” of writers who worked for DC Comic’s adult Vertigo line. His notable work includes Shade The Changing Man, Skin, Hellblazer, The Extremist and Enigma. His X-Statix was a highly-popular re-imagining of the Marvel Comics’ “X-Men” world. He has written a number of screenplays. He is currently writing Shadowman for Valiant Comics, Terminal Hero for Dynamite, and is beginning a new series for Vertigo called The Name, besides writing a new DOOP mini series for Marvel Comics, Doop being the unexpected and absurd "breakout" character from the X-Statix hit.

BRETT EWINS remains one of the most influential artists from the golden age of BritPop comics. Working with his two principal collaborators, Peter Milligan and Brendan McCarthy, he drew a number of ground-breaking titles, including the legendary series Bad Company for 2000 AD, as well contributing to the likes of Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper. He was also co creator (with Steve Dillon) of the comic magazine and pop culture sensation, Deadline.

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