Sophia McDougall signing Mars Evacuees

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at our London Megastore


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Sophia McDougall will be launching MARS EVACUEES, at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Thursday March 27th from 6 – 7pm!


The fact that someone had decided I’d be safer on Mars, where you could still only SORT OF breathe the air and SORT OF not get sunburned to death, was a sign that the war with the aliens was not going fantastically well. I’d been worried that I was about to be told that my mother’s spacefighter had been shot down, so when I found out that I was being evacuated to Mars, I was pretty calm.

And, despite everything that happened afterwards, I’d do it all again. Because until you have been shot at, pursued by terrifying aliens, taught maths by a laser-shooting robot goldfish and tried to save the galaxy, I don’t think you can say that you’ve really lived. Sophia McDougall lives in London and is the bestselling adult author of the Romanitas trilogy. She was a panellist at the 2012 How The Light Gets In arts and philosophy festival at Hay. She also creates digital art and mentors aspiring writers.

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