Pathfinder: Volume 1: Dark Waters Rising (Hardcover)
- Currently Unavailable
- Author: Jim Zub
- Artist: Andrew Huerta
- Published by: Dynamite Entertainment
RRP£26.99- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
The warrior Valeros can rely on his sword arm and his friends; mysterious sorceress Seoni, quick-witted elven rogue Merisiel, powerful wizard Ezren, well-traveled dwarven ranger Harsk, and courageous cleric Kyra, but nothing can prepare him for the dangers that lurk ahead.
The scattered goblin tribes of Varisia are unifying in ways no one has ever seen before. At the heart of this strange evolution is an ancient force of evil looking to establish itself anew in the world of Golarion!
Paizo’s award-winning fantasy world, fiction line, and tabletop RPG is now the ultimate fantasy comic! With an action-packed story written by Jim Zub (Street Fighter Legends, Skullkickers) and incredibly detailed artwork by newcomer Andrew Huerta, this first volume introduces readers to a richly envisioned fantasy world filled with compelling characters and impressive sights. This beautiful, oversized hardcover collects the first six issues of the comic series as well as including an exclusive 10 page bonus story, “The Last Mosswood Goblin,” by Jim Zub and Ivan Anaya, found nowhere else but here! Other bonus features are more than 30 pages of encounters, characters, and world detail for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including a brand-new poster map of the region explored in the Pathfinder comic!
Product Specifications
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- Artist
- Author
- Genre
- Previews
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Hardback
- Volume
- 1
- Cat. No.
- 2788821
- 9781606903926
- 9781606903926