• [This Book Is Full Of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch It (Product Image)]
  • This Book Is Full Of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch It

      Author: David Wong
      Published by: Titan Books

      £8.69 RRP£9.99

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    Product Description

    In this blistering sequel to the bestselling cult sensation, John Dies at the End, our heroes find that books and movies about zombies may have triggered a zombie apocalypse, despite a total world absence of zombies.

    Hilarious, terrifying, engaging and wrenching, this is a wild ride with two slackers from the midwest who really have better things to do with their time than prevent disaster.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 2684062
    • 978178116455600799
    • 9781781164556