• [The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Floating Lady Murder (Product Image)]
  • The Harry Houdini Mysteries: The Floating Lady Murder

      Author: Daniel Stashower
      Published by: Titan Books

      £5.99 RRP£7.99

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    Product Description

    Struggling young performer Harry Houdini is working for the renowned Kellar “Dean of American Magicians” in turn-of the-century New York.

    When his master’s astonishing Floating Lady illusion goes horribly wrong, Houdini, along with his wife Bess and brother Dash, must solve the deadly conundrum and figure out how the young lady died from drowning rather than a fatal fall…

    Another thrilling title in the Harry Houdini Mysteries series from award-winning author Daniel Stashower!

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 2402222
    • 9780857682925
    • 9780857682925