• [Cheshire Red Reports: Book 1: Bloodshot (Product Image)]
  • Cheshire Red Reports: Book 1: Bloodshot

      Author: Cherie Priest
      Published by: Titan Books

      £6.99 RRP£7.99

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    Product Description

    Raylene Pendle (AKA Cheshire Red) is a vampire and world-renowned thief. When the infuriatingly charming Ian Stott asks for help, Raylene doesn’t bargain for a case that takes her from the wilds of Minneapolis to the mean streets of Atlanta.

    And with a psychotic scientist on her trail, a kick-ass drag queen on her side, and Men in Black everywhere, the case proves to be one hell of a ride.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 2351858
    • 9780857686459
    • 9780857686459