• [Alien In The Family (Product Image)]
  • Alien In The Family

    • Currently Unavailable
    Author: Gini Koch
    Published by: Penguin Books Ltd

    £4.70 RRP£5.99

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Product Description

Super-Being Exterminator Kitty Katt and the Alpha Centaurian she loves, Jeff Martini, should be finalising their wedding plans. But that was before she discovers Jeff is in line to become Emperor back on his home world.

Kitty knows she is everything a royal family wouldn’t approve of, and is bracing herself for the worst. As it turns out, the royal family is just the beginning. Especially when extraterrestrial Amazonian terrorists are determined to start and end Kitty and Jeff’s nuptial festivities with a bang.

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 2302485
  • 978075640668450799
  • 9780756406684