• [The Düngeonmeister: RPG Sticker Book (Product Image)]
  • The Düngeonmeister: RPG Sticker Book

    • Pre-Order
    Authors: Jef Aldrich, and Jon Taylor
    Published by: Adams Media

    £10.99 RRP£11.99

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      • Due for release: 18 Feb 2025.
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Product Description

500+ Stickers To Level Up Your Campaign.

Celebrate your love of all things RPG with this collection of gaming-inspired stickers that include a menagerie of monsters and art for every character type, along with sticker inspiration points, status effect stickers, dice art, gamer jokes, and more.

Finally, you can enjoy stickers from the RPG fandom including stickers celebrating in-game themes, from monsters to different hero types, weapons, potions, and more-as well as references to the gaming experience with dice-inspired art and gamer jokes.

Featuring functional stickers, like inspiration and effect stickers, this collection has everything that an RPG fan could want. And these stickers are a perfect way for fans to share their passion with the world (or just with their game group) by sticking them everywhere, from their game books to their dice tray, their player notes, their DM screens, and more!

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6708955
  • 978150722355051599
  • 9781507223550