The Pendragon Cycle: Book 2: Merlin
- Author: Stephen Lawhead
- Published by: Baen Books
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Product Description
Born to a druid bard and a princess of lost Atlantis, Merlin was destined for greatness. As he navigates a world ruled by greedy chieftains and barbaric invaders, Merlin must prepare for a higher destiny and pave the way for the legendary King Arthur Pendragon.
Merlin, like his father, the Bard Taliesin, has a great mission. But his is the more difficult. Where Taliesin imagined the Kingdom of Summer in song, it falls to Merlin to bring it into existence.
Through a series of grave trials that tax his spirit and nearly destroy his body and mind, Merlin discovers how to bring the Kingdom of Summer into being.
What’s more, Merlin is being readied for his life’s work: to prepare the coming of the Pendragon, Britain’s great ruler, Lord of the Summer Kingdom, and Lion of Logres.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genre
- Promotion
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Trade Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 6708733
- 978198219386750999
- 9781982193867