• [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mini Figure: Arcade Collection (1 Pcs) (Product Image)]
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mini Figure: Arcade Collection (1 Pcs)

      Universe: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
      Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx


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    Product Description

    It’s a shell-abration! Celebrate 40 years of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with our new Arcade collection. This groundbreaking series reimagines the iconic heroes in a stunning low-poly art style, capturing the nostalgic charm of classic arcade games while delivering modern gameplay.

    Each character comes with an arcade-style base with 4 action buttons and a movable joystick. Relive nostalgia as you pit the Turtles against their foes, Bebop, Rocksteady, and the rare Shredder!

    Experience the thrill of the arcade like never before as you revisit the beloved world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cowabunga!

    There are 7 characters to collect in this series. Rare characters are not guaranteed.


    Size: 10cm (4”) Vinyl Blind Box

    1 Blind Box contains 1 Collectible

    Please note:

    1 randomly selected pack provided per purchase. Exact contents can’t be specified, you may receive duplicates. Ordering the quantity of full box does not guarantee receiving a sealed box.

    Product Specifications

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    Cat. No.
    • 6418083
    • 658215289361