• [Heroscape: Rising Tide: Hellforge Mandukor (Army Expansion) (Product Image)]
  • Heroscape: Rising Tide: Hellforge Mandukor (Army Expansion)

    • Pre-Order
    Manufacturer: Renegade Game Studios


      • This item is available to pre-order.
      • Due for release: 28 Feb 2025.
        We expect to receive the item from our suppliers on or around this date.
      • Store prices may vary
      • Return Policy

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Product Description


After untold ages adrift in space nurturing the faintest of embers, the Hellforge blazes once more, and Mandukor must feed it, devouring anything and everything in the path of its inexorable advance! This suits Revna just fine. She need only point Mandukor at her enemies and watch the flames consume them.

This expansion contains 1 highly detailed miniature! It is fully compatible with all Heroscape Master Sets and Expansions. As part of the Rising Tide story arc, Hellforge Mandukor introduces a unique combination of raw power and tactical versatility, making it a formidable addition to any army.

This is add-on content. A Battle Box and/or Master Set is required for gameplay.


  • Huge Hellforge Mandukor figure ready to traverse the battlefield with unspeakable force!

  • Introduces a unique combination of raw power and tactical versatility, making it a formidable addition to any army.

  • Highly detailed, fully assembled miniature!

  • Fully compatible with all Heroscape Master Sets and Expansions!


1 Highly Detailed, Fully Assembled Unpainted Miniature

  • Hellforge Mandukor

1 Army Card

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6750596