Heroscape: The Snow Fields Of Valhalla (Terrain Expansion)
- Pre-Order
- Manufacturer: Renegade Game Studios
- This item is available to pre-order.
- Due for release: 24 Jan 2025.
We expect to receive the item from our suppliers on or around this date. - Store prices may vary
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Product Description
Winter’s bitter chill lingers later into each passing year. Even lands as far south as the Forgotten Forest saw no melt in recent summers, and its evergreen boughs bend low with snow. Through it all, their passage slowed by deep snow and treacherous ice, the armies of Valhalla trudge on, undaunted, to war.
This expansion contains over 120 hexes and 2 Evergreen Trees. It is fully compatible with all Heroscape Master Sets and Expansions. Build new environments over which to battle for Valhalla in Heroscape:The Snow Fields of Valhalla! This is add-on content. A Battle Box and/or Master Set is required for Heroscape gameplay.
Product Specifications
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- Cat. No.
- 6750602