• [Zootopia #1 (Cover S Teal Blank Authentix) (Product Image)]
  • Zootopia #1 (Cover S Teal Blank Authentix)

      From: Zootopia
      Author: Jeff Parker
      Artist: Alessandro Ranaldi
      Published by: Dynamite Entertainment

      £3.30 RRP£4.90

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    Product Description

    After their investigation into the PB&J cell phone sabotage plot temporarily stalls, Officers Hopps and Wilde respond to a call that most cops would avoid like a stale donut - a break-in at the City Dump! Or rather, a break-in at the Zootopia Recycling Depot, as its managing skunk Chuck Flowers is quick to emphasise when Hopps and Wilde arrive to view his security tapes.

    The footage of the felonious raccoons and opossums hauling away bags of garbage is clear enough, but what’s not clear is what kind of trash it is that they’re stealing - or why. There’s only one way to crack this case: It’s time for a good old-fashioned stake-out!

    Canny crime reporters JEFF PARKER (Negaduck, Batman ‘66) and ALESSANDRO RANALDI (Disney Villains: Hades) delve further into the inner workings of Disney’s species-rich city with Zootopia #2 - bolstered by eye-catching covers from RANALDI, TRISH FORSTNER, CRAIG ROUSSEAU, and more!


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