• [Hornsby & Halo #1 (2nd Printing) (Product Image)]
  • Hornsby & Halo #1 (2nd Printing)

      From: Hornsby & Halo
      Author: Peter J Tomasi
      Artists: Peter Snejbjerg, and John Kalisz
      Published by: Image Comics

      £2.65 RRP£3.90

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    Product Description

    SERIES PREMIERE It’s Good vs. Evil from the minds of PETER J. TOMASI (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) and PETER SNEJBJERG (Starman, B.P.R.D.)

    Keeping the cosmic peace isn’t easy. But the opposing leaders of Heaven and Hell broker a deal that trades Zachary Halo, an angel child, to a demon family, and Rose Hornsby, a demon child, to an angel family, and hope this truce will halt the winds of war.

    It’s Nature versus Nurture as the turbulence of adolescence comes crashing down on two teenagers who have no idea just who and what they truly are…yet.

    Product Specifications

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    Wednesday Comics
    • Comic
    Cat. No.
    • 6660598
    • 70985304166500112