• [High On Life (Product Image)]
  • High On Life

    • Pre-Order
    Author: Alec Robbins
    Artist: Kit Wallis
    Published by: Titan Comics

    £11.72 RRP£16.99

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Product Description

The first-ever graphic novel set in the insane world of High on Life. The Bounty Hunter becomes the hunted!

After the Bounty Hunter defeated Garmantuous and the G3 cartel at the end of the eponymous videogame, the human race was listed as a protected species as they integrated into the wider galaxies of outer space

But when a brutal ‘Human Hunter’ carves a bloody trail through the relocated survivors, it’s up to the enigmatic Bounty Hunter to once again bring justice to the stars.

The newest addition to their crew of iconic Gatlian allies is Harper – a former Resistance fighter who is determined to make her mark on the team. Unfortunately, the investigation into the Human Hunter brings Harper and the Gatlians closer to home than anticipated. Suddenly, Harper’s journey to prove herself as part of the Bounty Hunter’s team becomes a tale of redemption… and how does Creature’s forgotten past fit into the story?

Alec Robbins (Mr Boop, CRIMEHOT) teams up with Kit Wallis (Mr Easta, Hellicious) for an explosive, zany, romp around the cosmos. The debut graphic novel in the High on Life story, featuring 112 pages of guns, goop, and galactic hilarity!

High on Life collects issues 1-4 of the comic series of the same name, plus behind-the-scenes look into the development of the book.

Product Specifications

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  • Trade Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6660529
  • 9781787741881