• [Harry Potter: Squishmallows 10 Inch Plush: Gryffindor Lion (Product Image)]
  • Harry Potter: Squishmallows 10 Inch Plush: Gryffindor Lion

      Universe: Harry Potter
      Manufacturer: Jazwares


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    Product Description

    TEAM: Make your Squishmallows team fat with this 25 cm soft toy.

    BUBBLE AGAINST HER, HUGE AGAINST HER AND PLAY WITH HER: Take this adorable plush toy on long car rides, planes, movie marathons and much more.

    ESSENTIAL: Each Squishmallows is made with high quality ultra soft materials.

    UNIQUE PERSONALITIES: Squishmallows have varied and fun personalities, sizes and colours.

    COLLECTION: Look for other Squishmallows range extensions, including Flip-A-Mallows plush toys from Squishmallows.

    Product Specifications

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    Cat. No.
    • 6721985
    • 196566223639