• [Scooby-Doo: Scooby Snacks: Scratch & Sniff Sticker Valentines (Hardcover) (Product Image)]
  • Scooby-Doo: Scooby Snacks: Scratch & Sniff Sticker Valentines (Hardcover)

      Author: Insights
      Published by: Insight Editions

      £10.99 RRP£14.99

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    Product Description

    It’s Valentines Day! Fill your Valentine’s Day with fun and Scooby Snacks (TM) with this deluxe scratch-and-sniff Scooby-Doo! valentine set.

    28 CARDS, SCRATCH & SNIFF STICKERS & ENVELOPES: With the perfect amount of valentines for most classroom sizes, this set contains 28 Mystery Machine cards with three unique valentine messages from Scooby-Doo, 28 strawberry scented scratch-and-sniff Scooby Snack (TM) sticker sheets, and 28 accompanying envelopes.

    PERFECT FOR FANS: These valentines are the perfect way to share your love for Scooby-Doo and the rest of Mystery Inc. (TM) with all your friends and classmates.

    ADD TO YOUR COLLECTION: Add more fun super valentines from Insight Editions to your collection with Harry Potter: Honeydukes Scratch & Sniff Sticker Valentines, Harry Potter: Owl Post Super Valentines, and Powerpuff Girls Temporary Tattoo Valentines.

    Product Specifications

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    • Mixed Media Product
    Cat. No.
    • 6748760
    • 9798886636659
    • 9798886636659