• [Cobra Kai: Mug: Dojo Montage (Product Image)]
  • Cobra Kai: Mug: Dojo Montage

    • Limited Edition
    Only 50 produced
    Manufacturer: Forbidden Planet Originals


      • Once dispatched, estimated delivery within the United Kingdom is 3 to 5 working days
      • Store prices may vary
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Product Description

The Sekai Taikei is on!

Fighters from across the world gather in Barcelona - from Miyagi-Do to Cobra Kai, the Iron Dragons to the West End Warriors.

Celebrate all teams on this officially licensed merchandise from Cobra Kai: The Final Season - Part 2.

Strictly limited to 50 units!

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6585730
  • 5052473330899