• [Exploding Kittens: Puzzles & Activities (Product Image)]
  • Exploding Kittens: Puzzles & Activities

      Author: Joe Wos
      Published by: Andrews & McMeel Publishing

      £8.99 RRP£11.99

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    Product Description

    From the creators of the bestselling game and upcoming Netflix show comes an exciting new way to experience all of the zany Exploding Kittens fun!

    The latest addition to the Exploding Kittens universe of games and activities is the Exploding Kittens Puzzles and Activities book! Filled to the brim with all new puzzles, mazes, colouring pages, and so much more, this activity book is everything you know and love about the iconic brand in a travel-friendly package. Perfect for throwing in a backpack, purse, or suitcase, and taking out for breaktime, lunch time, commute time, or quiet time, the Exploding Kittens Puzzles and Activities book is exactly what your daily grind is missing!

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 6749705
    • 9781524895464
    • 9781524895464