• [Compass & Blade: Book 1 (Product Image)]
  • Compass & Blade: Book 1

      Author: Rachel Greenlaw
      Published by: Harper Fire

      £7.99 RRP£8.99

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    Product Description

    Get ready to be swept away. An irresistible YA romantasy, perfect for fans of Alexandra Christo, Sarah Underwood and Shelby Mahurin

    Mira is a wrecker, one of the seven chosen to swim out and plunder the wrecked ships beyond the Isle of Rosevear. The waves sing to her soul, the call of the sea beckoning her into deeper waters.

    But Rosevear needs her and she could never abandon her home. Until one evening when lightning splits the sky and the Watch descend, taking Mira’s father away.

    Mira must set off on a journey to win back her father’s freedom. She will encounter two strangers along the way, enigmatic Seth and smouldering Elijah and learning who to trust will not be easy. When she discovers a dark family secret, buried deep in the ocean, Mira finds that securing her future and that of her island, will come at a high price…

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 6750183
    • 9780008642440
    • 9780008642440