• [Avengers West Coast: Epic Collection: Vision Quest [New Printing] (Product Image)]
  • Avengers West Coast: Epic Collection: Vision Quest [New Printing]

    • Pre-Order
    Universe: Marvel
    Author: Steve Englehart
    Published by: Marvel Comics

    £27.59 RRP£39.99

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      • Due for release: 23 Jun 2025.
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Product Description

The West Coast Avengers undergo an era of seismic shifts, led by some of the greatest creators in comic history!

The team must survive showdowns with the Defiler and the Night Shift – and Mockingbird is haunted by the terrible specter of the Phantom Rider!

Then, John Byrne takes charge – and the legendary writer/artist immediately leaves his mark on the Whackos with a startling change for the Vision!

As the team grapples with what’s happened to their old friend, Vision’s wife, the Scarlet Witch, descends into darkness – and learns shocking revelations about her children! Amid the chaos, U.S.Agent muscles his way onto the roster, the Great Lakes Avengers assemble, and a Golden Age legend blazes his way back from the grave!

COLLECTING: West Coast Avengers (1985) 38-46, Avengers West Coast (1989) 47-52, West Coast Avengers Annual (1986) 3, Avengers West Coast Annual (1989) 4, material from Avengers Spotlight (1989) 23

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6748043
  • 978130296391054499
  • 9781302963910