• [Doctor Who: Monsters Postcard Set III (Product Image)]
  • Doctor Who: Monsters Postcard Set III

    • Currently Unavailable
    Universe: Doctor Who
    Manufacturer: Titan Merchandise


    • Currently Unavailable
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Product Description

Classic Monsters - Postcard Set 3

Time Lord Tuesdays continue… As the monsters are unleashed!

Titan Merchandise proudly presents a postcard pack featuring artwork of 6 classic Doctor Who aliens from the 1980’s era.

Featured in set 3 are:

Sil, the Special Weapons Dalek, a Sontaran, the Rani, the Mara (“Kinda” / “Snakedance”) and the Master, as portrayed by Anthony Ainley.

Strictly limited edition. Only 500 available.

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 5700790
  • 5052473571766