• [Captain America: Epic Collection: The Swine (Product Image)]
  • Captain America: Epic Collection: The Swine

    • Pre-Order
    Universe: Marvel
    Author: Jack Kirby
    Published by: Marvel Comics

    £27.59 RRP£39.99

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Product Description

Legendary Marvel master Jack Kirby concludes his exciting 1970s Captain America run!

Jack Kirby concludes his 1970s Captain America tenure with stories that only the King of Comics could create! It begins when the Falcon goes missing in an other-dimensional asylum – that’s run by the inmates! The tale of the Night People and Agron the Unburied One is a tense sci-fi horror thriller.

Then comes “The Swine,” a storyline packed with iconic moments like the debut of Arnim Zola, the return of the Red Skull and Nazi X – the android with Hitler’s brain! Also featuring two Annual exploits with the Black Star and Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants!

In Kirby’s stead, Marvel legend Roy Thomas re-present’s Cap’s origin and puts him face-to-face with a twisted, twelve-foot version of himself, the Ameridroid.

COLLECTING: CAPTAINA AMERICA (1968) #201-221 & ANNUAL (1971) #3-4

Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6748050
  • 978130296052054499
  • 9781302960520