• [Signed Sealed Dead (Signed Edition) (Product Image)]
  • Signed Sealed Dead (Signed Edition)

    • Signed
    Signed by: Cynthia Murphy
    Author: Cynthia Murphy
    Published by: Scholastic

    £7.99 RRP£8.99

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Product Description

From best-loved YA thriller author, Cynthia Murphy, comes an explosive new mystery!

True-Crime obsessed Paige, and her family, move across the Atlantic to her father’s eerie hometown and it’s not long before she uncovers the town’s dark history, a string of unsolved murders and disappearances in the 90s.

And then notes start appearing at their dilapidated old home, about the secrets the house is keeping. The clues lead Paige to a diary concealed in the walls that belonged to one of the missing girls. Could this be the key to solving a quarter-of-a-century mystery, or will this make Paige the next target?!

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Product Specifications

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  • Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6748333
  • 9780702318528