• [Threads Of Fate (Product Image)]
  • Threads Of Fate

    • Currently Unavailable
    Manufacturer: PostCurious


    • Currently Unavailable
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Product Description

Threads of Fate is a remastered version of PostCurious’ acclaimed debut game, The Tale of Ord. Taking on the role of a private investigator, you will be tasked with finding two missing professors from the Emerens Institute, but when information is uncovered about a mysterious relic found by an archaeological team, you will have the opportunity to change the course of destiny.

Provided with an assortment of letters, articles, drawings, websites, and physical artefacts, you will set out on a journey to explore the supernatural forces of Norse mythology and uncover the truth behind the disappearances. The meaning of mysterious glyphs will be revealed throughout the experience as you progress through the story and begin to unravel the secrets of fate and time.

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Cat. No.
  • 6713461