• [Wednesday: The Hyde's Attack (Product Image)]
  • Wednesday: The Hyde's Attack

    • Currently Unavailable
    Manufacturer: Mixlore


    • Currently Unavailable
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Product Description

Chaos reigns at Nevermore Academy, and the students must defend themselves. In the role of one of your favourite characters, you will try to face a monstrous threat that has terrorised the locations around the Nevermore Academy. Work together to prevent Hyde’s attacks and protect the rest of the students in this exciting game.

Contents: 6 location tokens, 6 outlaw cards, 6 outlaw pawns, 62 power cards, 5 targets, 5 Hyde tokens, 1 double-sided level card, 1 object, 1 cotton bag. Recommended age: 10+ years, Players: 2-4. Estimated duration: 20 minutes

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6675943
  • 3558380121558