• [Explorers Of Navoria (Product Image)]
  • Explorers Of Navoria

    • Pre-Order
    Manufacturer: Dranda Games


      • This item is available to pre-order.
      • Due for release: 24 Jan 2025.
        We expect to receive the item from our suppliers on or around this date.
      • Store prices may vary
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Product Description

In the magical land of Navoria, new and strange continents have emerged from the sea. The council of Navoria has decreed that the new continents must be explored, and you and a handful of other intrepid adventurers have answered the call… the stage is set for the adventure of a lifetime in Explorers of Navoria!

In Explorers of Navoria, you’ll take action tokens from the bag and use them to draft Adventure cards into your tableau.

Adventure cards help you explore Navoria, build settlements in the newly emerged continents, craft supplies and items, and collaborate with the different races of Navoria.

Some of the Adventure cards give instant benefits, boosting your powers; some give ongoing abilities, engine-building in your tableau; and all of them increase your reputation with different races of Navoria, unlocking end-game bonuses through set-collection.

After drafting Adventure cards, you’ll use the same tokens you drafted from the bag to visit locations on the mainland of Navoria in a worker placement phase. Worker placement locations reduce in power after each token is placed so you’ll want to visit each location first to get the best benefits!

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6675981