• [Harry Potter: Vehicle: Hogwarts Express (Product Image)]
  • Harry Potter: Vehicle: Hogwarts Express

    • Sale
    Universe: Harry Potter
    Manufacturer: Corgi Classics Ltd

    £29.99 was £35.99 RRP£35.99

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Product Description

Have you received your letter to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year? If so, make sure you are ready on Platform 9 3/4s at Kings Cross Railway Station on September 1 at precisely 11 o’clock in the morning, as that’s when the iconic Hogwarts Express departs for the first day of term!

Drawn by a distinctive red locomotive, the train was the site of several first meetings with the friends (and enemies) who would play such an important role in Harry Potters future adventures.

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Cat. No.
  • 6714246
  • 5055286658570