• [Captain Scarlet: Vehicle: Angel Interceptor (Classic) (Product Image)]
  • Captain Scarlet: Vehicle: Angel Interceptor (Classic)

      Manufacturer: Corgi Classics Ltd


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    Product Description

    The Corgi Captain Scarlet (Classic), Angel Interceptor is a superbly detailed diecast model from Corgi.

    The Angel Interceptor is a single-seater strike aircraft developed by International Engineering from the World Army Air Force ‘Viper’ Jet, but the final blueprint of the Angel is vastly different from the original Viper, having been specially adapted for Cloudbase requirements. 60 ft (18.29 m) long, precision engineered, the plane is incredibly compact, carrying extra electronic instruments and mammoth fuel tanks which enable the aircraft to complete any mission without refuelling.

    Three Angel Interceptors are always positioned on the aerial launch platform on Cloudbase ready for immediate take-off.

    Entry to the cockpit is by hydraulic lift from the Cloudbase Amber Room up through the hull of the craft, such that the pilot is ejected into the cockpit complete with her seat.

    Instruments and gunsights are arranged within easy view of the pilot, who has all-round visibility. The craft is equipped with a flight computer auto-pilot fitted behind the pilot’s seat.

    Item Length - Without Packaging (cm)


    Item Height - Without Packaging (cm)


    Item Width - Without Packaging (cm)


    Product Specifications

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    Cat. No.
    • 6714208
    • 5063129006969