Shadows Of Brimstone: Ulfsark Skinwalker: Hero Pack
- Pre-Order
- Manufacturer: Flying Frog Productions
- This item is available to pre-order.
- Due for release: 24 Jan 2025.
We expect to receive the item from our suppliers on or around this date. - Store prices may vary
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Product Description
Wild men of the North, the Ulfsark Skin Walkers use powerful shamanistic totems to transform themselves into lycanthropic beasts of legend. Fighting with axe and shield in Human form, the Ulfsark fight with an animal fury . As they whip into a frenzy, their bodies twist and crack, growing hair and taking on the primal aspect of the wolf as they rise up to new heights, a savage werewolf, rending their foes apart with tooth and claw.
This new Norse-themed Hero Pack contains all of the cards, Hero Character Sheet, Upgrade Chart, and rules needed to play a Ulfsark Skinwalker Hero in your games of Shadows of Brimstone, including 3 high-detail plastic models to represent the Male and Female versions of the Hero Class, As well as the large Skin Walker werewolf form.
Product Specifications
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- Cat. No.
- 6595326