• [Kim Jong-Fun: Party Hard The North Korean Way (Hardcover) (Product Image)]
  • Kim Jong-Fun: Party Hard The North Korean Way (Hardcover)

      Author: John Smith
      Published by: Headline Publishing Group

      £10.99 RRP£12.99

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    Product Description

    For the baby-faced dictator in your life, a guide to throwing shindigs that go off like an intercontinental ballistic missile.

    Please express profound gratitude to Revered Marshall Kim Jong-un, who generously provides boundless wisdom to the people. In this book, he instructs his adoring subjects on how to party down in a one-party state. A good knees-up can lift workers’ spirits, taking their minds off political repression, food scarcity and a total lack of free speech. Not that any of those are issues in North Korea, despite what Western propagandists might say.

    Kim Jong FUN is the #1 bestselling book in the DPRK! And, coincidentally, the only one you can buy.

    Product Specifications

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    • Hardback
    Cat. No.
    • 6624293
    • 9781035425280
    • 9781035425280