Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: The Quintessence
- Universe: Doctor Who
- Author: Nicholas Briggs
- Published by: Big Finish Productions Ltd
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Product Description
The Doctor and Jo Jones arrive at ‘Always’, a Victorian manor house perched impossibly on the distant storm-world of Nethara Reach.
Greeted by the peculiar Pepperdines, a couple frantic with worry about their ailing daughter, they discover terrible secrets hiding within the panelled walls and gruesome oil paintings.
Secrets that will bring the Doctor face to face with one of his most ancient and implacable enemies, and put his relationship with Jo to the ultimate test.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Cd-Audio
- Cat. No.
- 6625757
- 9781802401691
- 9781802401691