• [Starter Villain (Product Image)]
  • Starter Villain

      Author: John Scalzi
      Published by: Tor

      £8.99 RRP£9.99

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    Product Description

    Warning: supervillain in training. Risk of world domination.

    Locus and Hugo Award-winning author John Scalzi brings us Starter Villain, a turbo-charged tale of a family business with a difference – as Charlie discovers upon inheriting it. This one comes with a hidden headquarters, minions, talking cats and villainous rivals worthy of James Bond.

    Divorced, broke and emotionally dependent on his cat, Charlie hasn’t been loving life. Then he finds out his recently deceased Uncle Jake has left him a top-secret, international supervillain business. And, as if this wasn’t problematic enough, Jake’s vengeful rivals ambush the funeral. Charlie must decide if he should stay stuck in his rut, or step up to take on the business, the enemies, the minions, the hidden volcano lair . . .

    Even harder to get used to are the talking, computer-savvy cats – and the fact that they’re management. If Charlie says yes to his inheritance, could this lifeline become a death wish? Or could it finally be his chance to shine?

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 6624989
    • 9781509835416
    • 9781509835416