• [Juvenile #1 (Cover B Jesus Orellana Black Variant) (Product Image)]
  • Juvenile #1 (Cover B Jesus Orellana Black Variant)

      From: Juvenile
      Author: Jesus Orellana
      Artist: Jesus Orellana
      Published by: Image Comics

      £2.65 RRP£3.90

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    Product Description

    In a future where a deadly virus kills everyone upon reaching adulthood, teenagers are confined to massive medical facilities until a mysterious new patient arrives and reveals a shocking secret !


    SARA is locked up in El Castillo, a fortress for troubled youth ruled with an iron fist by a retired military officer.

    Everything changes with the arrival of a mysterious new patient who reveals a shocking secret: the virus isn’t killing them; it is giving them telekinetic abilities that the adults are desperately trying to suppress with medication and experimental surgeries.In a race against time, they decide to use their newfound powers to escape. But when the adults find out, they will discover that not only are their lives at stake, but also the fate of the human race.

    Visionary filmmaker JESUS ORELLANA (Rosa) storms into comics with a cinematic five-issue miniseries that seamlessly bridges the gap between film and comics!RETAILERS TAKE NOTE! Lunar accounts will receive a 2-sided freebie poster promoting JUVENILE on one side and DOLL PARTS on the other side.

    Product Specifications

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    Wednesday Comics
    • Comic
    Cat. No.
    • 6681937
    • 70985304188700121
    • 70985304188700121