Spinning (Hardcover)
- Author: Tillie Walden
- Published by: Avery Hill Publishing
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Product Description
For Tillie Walden, it’s time to come of age, come out, and come to terms with leaving behind everything she used to know.
A competitive figure skater for twelve years, every day was the same for Tillie Walden. Sports, school, and family, with no chance for her to stop and think.
But when Tillie met her first girlfriend, it changed her whole life. She broke out of the reinforced sameness of a routine into a new relationship and a new interest in making art. She began to be sure her life should be different.
A poignant, honest autobiographical graphic novel about realising you can reinvent your life.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Publisher
- Type
- Wednesday Comics
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 6658380
- 9781910395950
- 9781910395950