• [Gamegenic: Premium Deck Box: Squire Plus 100+ XL: Black (Product Image)]
  • Gamegenic: Premium Deck Box: Squire Plus 100+ XL: Black

    • Discontinued
    Manufacturer: Gamegenic
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

Upgrade your gaming experience to a whole new level!

The product many players have been eagerly waiting for: our highly rated Squire in an upgraded PLUS version. The Squire PLUS 100+ XL is a premium deck box, specifically designed for the widely popular Magic: The Gathering™ format “COMMANDER”. It includes a Slide Card Case for displaying the Commander or top card with additional UV protection. Due to the innovative placement, the stored deck can be easily identified without opening the box. The Slide Card Case can also be detached and used during gameplay.

The Squire PLUS holds 100 double-sleeved cards in extra Thick Inner Sleeves. It can also fit 100 regular double-sleeved cards and has extra room for token cards.

This premium box is also equipped with our highly rated convertible system: The completely removable cover clips onto the bottom, saving precious space on the gaming table. The Squire PLUS is available in all 5 colours used in Magic: The Gathering™.