• [Harry Potter: Official Advent Calendar: Hogwarts Seasonal Surprises (Product Image)]
  • Harry Potter: Official Advent Calendar: Hogwarts Seasonal Surprises

    • Pre-Order
    Universe: Harry Potter
    Author: Insight Editions
    Published by: Insight Editions

    £19.99 RRP£29.99

      • This item is available to pre-order.
      • Due for release: 22 Jan 2025.
        We expect to receive the item from our suppliers on or around this date.
      • Store prices may vary
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Product Description

Harry Potter: The Official Seasonal Surprises Advent Calendar celebrates the magic of Hogwarts with 25 days of exclusive surprises, keepsakes, and collectibles delivered in a stunning keepsake calendar format.

DISCOVER MORE THAN 25 HARRY POTTER SURPRISES: Discover a new holiday surprise every day! Each of the 25 doors features a well-known relic of Hogwarts, from the Wizarding School’s most iconic ghosts to the sorting hat and more!

COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS: With 25 days of all-new items themed to the Harry Potter films, countdown to Christmas by opening the door to a surprise each day from December 1st through 25th.

COMPLETE YOUR HARRY POTTER CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Pair with Harry Potter: Christmas at Hogwarts, Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up, Harry Potter: Pop-Up Holiday Wreath, and Harry Potter: Christmas Sweater Blank Boxed Note Cards.

Product Specifications

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  • Calendar
Cat. No.
  • 6587758
  • 9798886636789
  • 9798886636789