• [Learn To Draw unOrdinary (Product Image)]
  • Learn To Draw unOrdinary

      Author: WEBTOON Entertainment
      Published by: Walter Foster

      £9.99 RRP£14.99

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    Product Description

    Learn to draw your favorite characters from the WEBTOON Originals superhero series unOrdinary through step-by-step tutorials, exclusive content, and artistic advice from its creator.

    An ordinary school, a typical student body, and chocolate cake. New student John arrived at Wellston Private High School hopeful this would be a fresh start for him. He was wrong. Every student in this school possesses a superpower—except for him. Queen of Wellston and the most popular girl in school, Seraphina, has the power to bend time. Wellston’s King, Arlo, can form a barrier of protection around himself. And Isen, Blyke, and Remi each have their own special powers, too. And Isen, Blyke, and Remi each have their own special powers. But John is a “weakling,” and this puts him on the bottom rung in the school’s hierarchy. Welcome to unOrdinary life.

    If you are an aspiring comic, manga, or anime artist, Learn to Draw unOrdinary is a must-have book for your collection. From learning to draw your favorite characters to mastering basic drawing techniques, this book is packed with tips, techniques, and lessons designed to enhance your skills, including:

    Step-by-step lessons for drawing heads, faces, and bodies

    Helpful techniques for capturing expressions, movement, and action

    Instructions for rendering a range of poses

    Professional art tips for developing fundamental skills

    Tips for adding color to your artwork for a professional finish

    In addition, you’ll learn what it takes to develop a successful webcomic thanks to a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process. Learn to Draw unOrdinary contains all this and more, making this an ideal companion for any illustrator or fan of the series.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 6503468
    • 9780760389812
    • 9780760389812