• [Line Friends: Kwistal: Vinyl Figure: Horoscope: Series 1 (1 Pcs) (Product Image)]
  • Line Friends: Kwistal: Vinyl Figure: Horoscope: Series 1 (1 Pcs)

    • Sale
    Manufacturer: Mighty Jaxx

    £6.99 was £13.99 RRP£13.99

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Product Description

Destiny awaits in the Kwistal: LINE Horoscope Series Primus!

The first in this series features Brown and Sally themed as seven horoscope signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and the forgotten 13th sign, Ophiuchus.

Each has a special Kwistal element that refracts light in a gem-like way. May the stars align and you receive the characters you’re searching for!

Please note:

One random figure supplied.

Product Specifications

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Cat. No.
  • 6110857
  • 658215276576