• [The Hard Switch (Product Image)]
  • The Hard Switch

    • Currently Unavailable
    Author: Owen D. Pomery
    Published by: Avery Hill Publishing

    £10.34 RRP£14.99

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Product Description

An engrossing science fiction graphic novel about a spaceship’s crew tackling the changes in their lives and work at the moment when they-and everyone else in the galaxy-begin to run out of fuel.

Ada, Haika and Mallic are on a mission… one last mission, before everything, everywhere shuts down. They’re raiding old, abandoned spaceships and wrecks for the (sometimes expensive) parts-and they make just enough money to get by. But living their nomadic, exploring life isn’t sustainable when they can’t afford fuel anymore.

The time is coming when the mineral that makes inter-system jumps possible runs out. When it does, the scattered inhabitants of the vast galaxy will be stuck where they are.

Everything will be different… unless the discovery in the latest wreck Ada, Haika, and Mallic are scavenging can unlock a whole new kind of interstellar transit.


Product Specifications

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Wednesday Comics
  • Trade Paperback
Cat. No.
  • 6401412
  • 9781910395837
  • 9781910395837