• [Forgotten Realms: Transitions: Book 2: The Pirate King (Product Image)]
  • Forgotten Realms: Transitions: Book 2: The Pirate King

      Universe: Forgotten Realms
      Author: R A Salvatore
      Published by: Wizards Of The Coast

      £4.10 RRP£5.99

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    Product Description

    Captain Deudermont has sailed to the pirate city of Luskan on a mission—a mission to once and for all defeat the true power behind the corrupt city: a wicked lich and his cabal of evil wizards from the Host Tower of the Arcane. But the Host Tower has some tricks up its sleeve, as do the pirate captains who would like to see both sides fail.

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 1884395
    • 978078695144450799
    • 9780786951444